Buzz Marketing as a Communication Channel in Tourism Marketing: A Research for Hotel Businesses

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Tourism Marketing, Marketing Communication Channel, Buzz Marketing, Hotel Management, Antalya


Buzz marketing has become one of the marketing tools in personal conversations and social media platforms. Although buzz marketing, focusing on maximizing the spread of a product or phenomenon by word of mouth in a viral way through technology, is communication channel in different sectors, there are few studies addressing it in tourism. The aim of this research is to provide more comprehensive use by buzz marketing applications in hotel businesses and to contribute to the literature for successful implementation of buzz marketing. Data were collected by a qualitative interview form from middle and upper-level managers in hotel businesses in Antalya, the most important tourist destinations in Turkey. According to the findings, managers create buzz marketing by presenting their products and services in a way suiting the customer profile. They constantly maintain their presence in the virtual environment and online and try to combine some other marketing strategies such as advertisements, referral campaigns, social media campaigns, influencer marketing for the best results. As for the advantages and disadvantages of buzz marketing, it is effective in terms of cost, time and speed. It also allows reaching a large number of people, but when used incorrectly, it can lead to negative results.


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How to Cite

Yaman, Z., & Şalvarcı, Ümit. (2024). Buzz Marketing as a Communication Channel in Tourism Marketing: A Research for Hotel Businesses. Journal of Recreation and Tourism Research, 11(3), 36–65.



Research Paper