Plagiarism Policy

Policy of Screening for Plagiarism

Studies submitted to the Journal of Recreation and Tourism Research (JRTR) are analyzed in the "Turnitin" plagiarism program and studies with a high plagiarism rate (max 20%) are rejected.

Our journal supports academic honesty, scientific ethics and plagiarism prevention principles. Our authors and referees are expected to take a strict attitude against plagiarism. This text has been prepared to explain the policies to be implemented to prevent plagiarism in our journal.

1- The Concept of Plagiarism: In our journal, plagiarism refers to the unauthorized use or copying of ideas, texts, data or other academic content taken from another source. This violates the rights of individuals or others' work.

2- Avoiding Plagiarism: We expect our authors to guarantee that the articles they submit are original works and that they do not contain plagiarism from any other source. We expect them to ensure that all citations are correctly cited, that sources are appropriately cited, and that citations are properly cited.

3- Plagiarism Detection: Our journal uses various tools and software for plagiarism detection. Submitted articles can be analyzed by the plagiarism detection system and similarities from other sources can be checked. In case of plagiarism detection, the relevant authors and related organizations are notified and necessary steps are taken.

4- Action Plan in Case of Plagiarism: When plagiarism is detected in our journal, the following steps are followed:

a. Plagiarism is detected and the degree of plagiarism is determined.
b. The authors of the article found plagiarism are notified and plagiarism evidence is presented.
c. Authors are asked to respond to plagiarism allegations.
d. The defense of the respective authors and other relevant information are taken into account.
e. If the plagiarism detection is confirmed as a result of the evaluation, the publication of the article is rejected and the relevant parties are informed.