Examination of the Concept of Neurogastronomy and Its Applications Using Bibliometric Analysis Method

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Neurogastronomy, Senses, Taste, Flavor, Bibliometric Analysis


This study aims to examine the concept of neurogastronomy and its applications in the field of gastronomy, as well as to analyze the impact of neurogastronomy on consumer perception and perform a bibliometric analysis of national literature on neurogastronomy. The research included neurogastronomy-themed studies published in the National Thesis Center, TR Index, and Dergipark. A total of 13 studies, including 2 master's theses, 2 doctoral theses, and 9 articles, were examined without any date limitation. These studies were analyzed with examples demonstrating the impact of neurogastronomy on consumer perception. The reviewed literature indicates that neurogastronomy affects consumer perception through various examples. Themes of taste, aroma, flavor, smell, and tongue frequently appear. Neurogastronomy is a broad concept encompassing not only the senses of smell and taste but also all the senses, perception, and memory. This study analyzes the development of neurogastronomy, the elements that constitute taste and flavor perception, smell perception, and the auditory and visual aspects. It evaluates the potential impacts of neurogastronomy on gastronomy tourism and food and beverage establishments. The conclusion is that neurogastronomy can contribute to innovative applications in the field of gastronomy and enrich consumer experiences.


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How to Cite

Sarı, D., Dokuz Murat, B., Murat, E., & Samancı, M. (2024). Examination of the Concept of Neurogastronomy and Its Applications Using Bibliometric Analysis Method. Journal of Recreation and Tourism Research, 11(3), 66–84. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13853921



Research Paper