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Poverty, Poverty in Turkey, Fighting Poverty


Today, poverty, which is one of the important problems of the globalizing world, is not only a problem that concerns underdeveloped societies, but also closely concerns both developed and developing societies. Although the concept of poverty is a multidimensional relative concept, it is the state of not being able to meet the material and non-material basic life needs. While nearly 3 billion people earning less than US$ 3.10 per person per day, determined according to purchasing power parity by the World Bank, live below the poverty line, nearly 2 billion people struggle to survive under the extreme poverty line of US$ 1.90.

As in the whole world, income inequality and poverty have increased in Turkey, especially in recent years. In this regard, programs that center the fight against poverty are carried out in many countries.

Policies to combat poverty in Turkey have increased their importance day by day, but the desired result has not been achieved with the measures taken and the policies implemented. In order to solve the poverty problem, it is necessary to go deep and reach a solution with a structural transformation. The failure to understand the structural problems and the failure to implement the effective policies required by this causes failure in its results.

In this study, the definitions of poverty in the theoretical framework were made, the causes of poverty, its dimensions and the ways of fighting against poverty were analyzed, the poverty profile after 2005 in Turkey was examined, and by analyzing the poverty indicators during the period until today, the intervention and struggle policies that should be done in the fight against poverty in Turkey have been mentioned.



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How to Cite

ALBAYRAK, Şerife G. (2022). AN EVALUATION ON POVERTY IN TURKEY AFTER 2005 . Journal of Recreation and Tourism Research, 9(1), 72–86.



Research Paper