A Field Study on Expanding Fish Consumption in Rural Areas: The Case of Yozgat

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Gastronomy, Fish, Workshop


The aim of this study is to prepare different fish dishes for 16 people, especially married and with children, in a gastronomy and culinary arts workshop in Yozgat province in order to make a difference in their meals and to create a difference in their eating habits due to differences in living conditions of people living in rural areas and far from seafood culture and busy daily work life. The aim is to show the participants' perceptions of fish dishes by showing the recipes and having them made. After the experiential application activities of the participants, data were collected using the interview technique with individuals. As the general reason for the low consumption of fish; fish smell, workload and explained reasons such as dislike for fish. In order to change these preferences of the participants, the participants were asked to have fish dishes made specifically for the workshop, and to consume these dishes, to recommend them, and to consume the same dishes with their family relatives at the same time. In addition, the evaluations of the meals were asked. The results of the research are the cases where the food samples made as a result of the activity can be prepared practically and easily, the dishes prepared are different from the fish dishes consumed so far, the fish consumption will increase if the economic conditions are suitable and the fish sales areas are expanded, and the food samples are desired to be tasted by the relatives of the individuals.


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How to Cite

Beşcanlar, S. (2023). A Field Study on Expanding Fish Consumption in Rural Areas: The Case of Yozgat. Journal of Recreation and Tourism Research, 10(2), 36–52. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8095339



Research Paper