Analysis of Geography Textbooks from the Perspective of Heritage Tourism

Heritage Tourism, Textbook, Photography, Geography, Tourist AttractionAbstract
The most commonly used photographs in geography textbooks were analyzed in this study in terms of natural and cultural heritage elements. The aim of the study is to determine how the elements of heritage tourism are included in the photographs of geography textbooks. Two geography textbooks taught in 9th and 10th grades were used as the data collection tools in the study. In this context, photographs were examined with content analysis, which is one of the qualitative research methods. The analysis showed that each book had contained different number of photographs. 83 of the total 496 photographs were evaluated within the scope of heritage tourism. While there were more photographs of cultural heritage elementsin the 9th grade geography textbook, more photographs of natural heritage elements were included in the 10th grade geography textbook. There weremore photographs of heritage tourism attractions in the 10th grade geography textbook than in the 9th grade textbook. Most of the photographs of heritage tourism in textbooks were taken in Turkey. Photographs of Konya, Denizli, Izmir, and Muğla provinces were included in the textbooks more than the others. Photographs of Pamukkale, Cappadocia, and Kayaköy (Fethiye) were included several times in the geography textbooks. It was found in the study that photographs of regions with a high tourism potential and recognition were included more in the geography textbooks. Based on the results of the study, it is recommended that teachers use photographs to raise awareness among students on the protection and preservation of natural and cultural heritage values.
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