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Internal Marketing, Tourism, Hotel Enterprises, Antalya


The aim of this research, which has a descriptive nature, is to reveal the opinions of the employees about the internal marketing practices of development, reward and vision dimensions in the hotel enterprises. The questionnaire was used as the data collection technique. The universe of the research consists of the employees of the five star hotels operating in Antalya. The sample group of the study included 862 employees of 53 (fifty-three) 5-star hotels. In the analysis of data, t test and variance analysis were used as well as descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean and standard deviation. As a result of the research, it has been determined that the employees' views on the
development dimension are more positive than the vision and reward dimensions. In addition, it was determined that the opinions of employees about the dimensions of internal marketing practices, development, reward and vision dimensions differed significantly according to their demographic characteristics.


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How to Cite

Kan Sönmez, N., & Hacıoğlu, N. (2023). OTEL İŞLETMELERİNDE İÇSEL PAZARLAMA UYGULAMALARINA YÖNELİK BİR BETİMLEME. Journal of Recreation and Tourism Research, 6(1), 13–24. https://doi.org/10.52811/jrtr.2019.12



Research Paper