Benchmarking as a Strategic Management Tool in Tourism Enterprises

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Benchmarking, Tourism, Strategic Management


This study aims to address the benchmarking method as a strategic management tool in tourism enterprises and to reveal the importance of benchmarking method for strategic management in tourism enterprises. In the study, a literature review in the related field and analysis of secondary data sources were used as a method. With the increase in competition in the tourism industry, it is aimed for businesses to differentiate and gain superiority over their competitors by using benchmarking method in the strategic planning process. Tourism businesses use benchmarking to improve service quality, reduce costs, increase creativity and create new business opportunities. Benchmarking is a method used to measure the performance of businesses and to learn the best practices of their competitors. Through this method, businesses can help them improve their performance and differentiate themselves from their competitors. This study provides detailed information on how tourism businesses can apply the benchmarking method and how this method can benefit their businesses. This information can help tourism enterprises to improve their strategic management and contribute to gaining competitive advantage in the tourism sector. As a result, it is of great importance for tourism enterprises to use benchmarking method to gain competitive advantage and improve their strategic management. In addition, it has been concluded that benchmarking method has a systematic process and it is suggested that these processes should be implemented in order and as completely as possible.


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How to Cite

Kaya, E., & Aktuna, C. (2024). Benchmarking as a Strategic Management Tool in Tourism Enterprises. Journal of Recreation and Tourism Research, 11(1), 1–13.



Research Paper