Exploring Ottoman Coffee Culture from a Gastronostalgic Perspective

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Ottoman Era, Coffee Culture, Cultural Heritage, Gastro-Nostalgia, Trends


This study aims to examine how Ottoman coffee culture has been revitalized and how it has found a place in the modern gastronomic world. In this context, the study explores the journey of Ottoman coffee culture from the past to the present, the value it has gained in modern society, and the steps taken towards the sustainability of this cultural heritage. Using qualitative research methods, a comprehensive document analysis was conducted. Additionally, observations conducted in coffeehouses and during gastronomy events served as an important data collection method. These observations were carried out using participant observation and unstructured observation techniques, with the researcher taking on the role of an observer. The collected data were analyzed using thematic analysis, and main themes were identified and interpreted. The research findings reveal that Ottoman-era coffee culture is strongly interacting with contemporary gastronomy trends and the gastonostalgia movement. The influence of the past is evident in various aspects, from coffee presentation to preparation methods, which have been adapted to meet modern demands. The study highlights the significance of Ottoman coffee culture in today's culinary world and underscores the importance of preserving this cultural heritage in a sustainable way.


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How to Cite

İnce Karaçeper, E. (2024). Exploring Ottoman Coffee Culture from a Gastronostalgic Perspective. Journal of Recreation and Tourism Research, 11(3), 16–35. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13853868



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