Evaluation of the Airplane Restaurant in the Scope of Industrial Heritage Tourism: Case of Muğla Uçak Park Restaurant

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Industrial Heritage Tourism, Airplane, Restaurant, Muğla


The tourism sector and the products/services offered are directly and indirectly affected by the development of industrial sectors. The new means of transportation, which developed with the industrial revolution, created the turning points that allowed the rapid increase in tourism activity in the past. However, they have completed their transportation missions due to lagging behind modern technology, have become a part of cultural heritage and have become a tourist attraction, recently. Furthermore, increasing interest in cultural tourism and industrial heritage tourism, which is a niche area in this context, has brought along a more intense use of industrial heritage elements in the tourism sector. The aim of this study is to conduct a case study in order to obtain in-depth information about the newly developing industrial heritage tourism in Turkey. Uçak (Airplane) Park Restaurant operating in Muğla was determined as a sample to be examined within the scope of the research. Data were collected with interview and observation techniques from qualitative research methods. In line with the findings, the tangible and intangible cultural characteristics of the aircraft, which was investigated as an industrial heritage element, were examined thoroughly. Besides, the fact that there are examples of similar enterprises in various countries and destinations has been evaluated as an indicator of the potential of the use of the specified aircraft within the scope of industrial heritage tourism to create a tourism attraction. The research was concluded by indicating the importance of respecting the conservation and sustainability while carrying out the industrial heritage tourism activities, in order to increase its contribution to both the preservation of the heritage and the creation of unique experience opportunities for visitors.


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How to Cite

Arıkan Saltık, I., & Yücel, M. (2022). Evaluation of the Airplane Restaurant in the Scope of Industrial Heritage Tourism: Case of Muğla Uçak Park Restaurant. Journal of Recreation and Tourism Research, 9(2), 14–29. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6774461



Research Paper