Academic Reflections of the Cittaslow Movement: A Bibliometric Analysis
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Cittaslow, Bibliometric, AnalysisAbstract
The concept of Cittaslow is increasingly gaining prominence as a movement that advocates for slowing down urban life and emphasizing cultural and local values. Within the tourism sector, Cittaslow destinations necessitate a tourism approach that facilitates the transfer of cultural values to visitors and highlights local characteristics within the framework of experiential tourism. This study examines academic research on slow cities through a bibliometric analysis method, focusing on publications that include the keyword Cittaslow in the Web of Science (WoS) database. A total of 101 English-language publications were analyzed using the R programming tool. The bibliometric analysis categorized results based on publication year, authorship, publication sources, research categories, and keywords. The analysis identified 203 contributing authors, with Jaszczak, A. emerging as the author with the highest h-index. The most cited study globally was an article by Pink, S., published in Local Environment in 2008. The journal Sustainability was identified as the leading publication source for Cittaslow-related studies, with 2021 marked as the peak publication year. Keywords such as Cittaslow, slow city, and sustainability were the most frequently used. Based on these findings, it is recommended that researchers focusing on Cittaslow further investigate the integration of local cultural values and sustainability in future studies.
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