The Effect Level of Social Media on the Development of Gastronomy Tourism in Türkiye
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Gastronomy Tourism, Social Media, Impact LevelAbstract
Travels for culinary purposes have expanded in recent years, ensuring that gourmet goods associated with tourism sites come to the fore. As is well known, social media platforms are one of today's most successful communication aspects. As a result, social media platforms might be the most practical and convenient method to learn about a destination's culinary components. In this regard, the study's goal is to assess the impact of social media use on culinary tourism. The research findings were gathered by distributing a questionnaire to 200 Yozgat residents and using social media. The statistical values of the demographic features of the participants, as well as their perspectives on the amount of effect of social media tools on culinary tourism, were included in the analysis of the study data. T-test and Anova test analysis findings are given for the variables of demographic features of the participants and the amount of influence of social media tools on culinary tourism. According to the findings of the study, the majority of participants use Instagram to increase gastronomic interest, and female participants have a greater level of social media impact than male participants. Furthermore, it has been discovered that primary school graduates and the jobless have a stronger influence on social media.
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