Determining The Career and Employment Opportunities of The Universities in The Recreation Management Department

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Recreation Management, Career, Employment, Content Analysis


Education is very important in terms of improving individuals personally, socializing, benefiting the society and having a profession in terms of sustaining life. For this reason, people tend to prefer universities and departments with high employment and career opportunities in order to have a good career by getting a good education after finishing secondary education. The aim of this research is to determine the career and employment opportunities of the students who graduated from the recreation management department on the official website of the universities. In line with the aim of the research, the websites of the universities that have active recreation management departments that continue their education and training activities were examined and the data were analyzed with content analysis. In the document scanning carried out to collect data, it was observed that the websites of six universities did not include information on career and employment opportunities related to recreation management. According to the results obtained from the research, some suggestions were presented for the interested parties.



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How to Cite

İskender, A., & Demirdağ, Şerif A. (2023). Determining The Career and Employment Opportunities of The Universities in The Recreation Management Department . Journal of Recreation and Tourism Research, 10(1), 57–77.



Research Paper