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Flow, Flow Theory, Csikszentmihalyi, Recreation, Social Media


In this study, which was carried out by considering Csikszentmihalyi's Flow Theory in the context of recreation, the research data was first obtained in order to search the sources directly related to the subject with the words “Flow”, “Flow Theory”, “Recreation” in national and international literature. This research includes a qualitative research design in order to examine the development process of the theory and to examine what its theoretical foundations are. The aim of the study is to examine the developmental stages of the theory, to examine what its theoretical foundations are and to analyze the recreation phenomenon within the framework of studies in the field of flow theory. In this study, in which a theoretical framework of flow theory, which is considered in the context of recreation, is tried to be put forward, it has been concluded that the flow situation is related to other fields as well as to areas such as recreation and social media. In this context, it is important to investigate and explain the concept of recreation from the perspective of flow theory. It is thought that the study can be a significant source of recreation literature in the context of flow theory for future research.


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How to Cite

ERDEM, D., & YAYLI, A. (2022). A THEORETICAL OVERVIEW OF CSIKSZENTMIHALYI’S FLOW THEORY IN THE CONTEXT OF RECREATION. Journal of Recreation and Tourism Research, 9(4). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7494875



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